Saturday, August 11, 2012

Final Thoughts

First, let me express how thankful I am that I got the chair in my terminal next to the power outlet. That NEVER happens, and I got incredibly lucky. Also, thank you Peking Capital Airport for having wifi that functions properly. 
I'm sad to be leaving already (has it really been 8 weeks?), but at the same time, I think I'm burned out on China for the time being. I love, love, love it here, but I also miss living in a proper 1st world country. I miss not having to worry that the running water won't be working,  that I will step in the poo of a baby on the sidewalk, or if today is the day I get hit by a car. China is technically still considered a Second World country, and I tend to agree. I would wager that in Beijing proper, no more than 20% is developed to standards that most Americans would consider acceptable. Don't get me wrong, China is perfectly wonderful, but the amenities were certainly not my favorite part of the trip here. 
My internet isn't good enough to upload the amount of photos I want to share, but I will do that when I do have functioning internet. I went crazy busy and visited tons of places for the last time in an attempt to somewhat satiate my craving to see as much as physically possible. 
See everyone in the USA!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! You're home! :-) Can't wait to hear "the rest of the story."
